Please note that our galleries will be closed from December 25 until January 2, 2025.


, Education

DrawNow! DibujoAhora!

Presented in Spanish and English, and guided by teaching artist Ada Pilar Cruz, this participatory online drawing workshop focuses on a selection of works in - David Hammons: Body Prints, 1968–1979. David Hammons used the body as both a drawing tool and printing plate for image making. These works celebrate the sacredness of objects touched or made by the Black body and reveal Hammons’s biting critique of racial oppression and his deep commitment to social justice. The hands-on project includes oiling parts of your body and objects.

A cargo de la artista y educadora Ada Pilar Cruz.

Este taller de dibujo con participación en la red se concentra en obras de - David Hammons: Body Prints, 1968–1979. David Hammons utilizó el cuerpo como herramienta de dibujo y placa de impresión para la creación de imágenes. Estas obras celebran lo sagrado de los objetos tocados o hechos por el cuerpo negro y revelan la penetrante crítica de Hammons sobre la opresión racial y su profundo compromiso con la justicia social. El proyecto práctico incluye el engrasado de partes del cuerpo y objetos. Uso de grasa y pigmentos para dibujos.

Materiales: Cubierta para proteger el trabajo de las manchas
Dibujo grande o papel multiusos
Cualquiera de los siguientes: aceite corporal; Vaselina; aceite de oliva; aceite de coco. Carbón en polvo, tiza, o granos de café instantáneo molido fino, o especias en polvo, como el azafrán, el achiote, la canela y la pimienta negra colador

Materiales adicionales: planos pero texturizados: pueden desecharse después de su uso. Hoja u hojasFrutas o verduras cortadas a la mitadRopa, ropa pequeña, ropa de muñeca, camisa viejaCepillo planoLápicesCrayones, lápices de colores

  • Suggested Materials

    • Covering to protect work area from stains
    • Large drawing or multipurpose paper
    • Baby oil; body oil; Vaseline petroleum jelly; olive oil; coconut oil
    • Powdered charcoal, chalk, or fine ground instant coffee, or powdered spices, such as turmeric; annatto; cinnamon; black pepper
    • Sifter or strainer
    • Other optional materials: Leaf or leaves, fruit or vegetables cut in half, cloth, small item of clothing, doll clothes, old shirt, flat brush, pencils, crayons, colored pencils
  • Tips for a Successful Zoom Session

    • Log in 5-10 minutes before the workshop begins to avoid any technical delays.
    • Use a desktop or laptop for the best image quality. A tablet will also do, but on a smartphone, the image may be too small.
    • Make sure you have a stable wifi connection before the workshop begins
  • Documentation

    The Drawing Center tries to share its programs as widely as possible, which means recording our programming and making it available online. By attending the event, you consent to audio recording and video recording and its/their release, publication, or exhibition.


Program Documentation